Saturday, July 7, 2007

What I want From Pavas...

One of the great joys of going to Pavas last December was introducing my Pavas family to my WGBC family and seeing them embrace each other in complete friendship and love. Lifelong bonds were formed and I know that when we go in August, our family will grow even larger! There is an infectious love among the folks there, and you can't help but feel at home even if you speak a different language. We laid the groundwork for developing the Pavas partnership and I guess by most measurements you could call the trip a "success", whatever that means.

But I was left with a nagging disappointment. My three amigos from my prior trip, Jarec, Jeremy and Andre had not been seen in months. These three boys, from 8 to 11 years old, are brothers who live alone because their mother is in jail and their father abandoned them. I searched the faces of the kids in the lunch program but never found them. As night fell I wondered if they were out there on the streets, where I would not dare go at night. I wondered what they were doing to survive, and what physical and spiritual risk they had to endure.

They became for me the symbol of why we had to partner with the people of the Iglesia de Pesebre. It is these boys this ministry is trying to reach. It is kids like them who come each day for a plate of food and a little attention. I felt that in these boys I had met the suffering Jesus we are called to serve in Matthew Ch. 25.

But I want these boys to be more than just a symbol, more than just a heart-string tugging anecdote.

I wanted to see them. I wanted to hug them. The last time I saw them I told them I would be back. I want them to know I kept my word. I am not just another adult who has let them down.

I wanted to know they were alright.

So when we are there in August we will laugh and we will cry. We will work and we will play. We will serve and we will be served.

I will be looking for my three amigos, and I hope they are looking for me.

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